Task 2 - Shakemap service


The goal is to produce accurate and standardized shakemaps for earthquakes occurring in Italy. This is a purely service task aimed toward providing the DPC and the public with maps of the peak ground motion very rapidly.
Essenptial to this task is the homogenization of procedures, input parameters and data so that the resulting maps will be identical and be published within a dedicated web portal (see Task 6 below). This includes, in addition to PGM data discussed in the Task 1, the earthquake location and the magnitude, the use of identical GMPEs within a regionalized model of Italy and the adoption of the same local site effects corrections.
The following institutions are involved in this task: "Centro Nazionale Terremoti" of INGV; the INGV Milano section, the "Dipartimento per lo Studio del Territorio e delle sue Risorse", DIPTERIS, of the University of Genova; the "Dipartimento Scienze della Terra", DST, of the University of Trieste; the "Centro Ricerche Sismologiche" - Udine of the "Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale", OGS, the "Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche" of University Federico II, Naples.


INGV-CNT, DIPTERIS-UniGE, DST-UniTS and OGS have participated to the 2005-2007 DPC-S4 project and implemented the USGS-ShakeMap package as one of the primary activities within that project.


The task activity will therefore revolve around homogeneizing the installations and the procedures. This includes the package USGS-ShakeMap itself, the point source moment tensor of Dreger (2002) and the simplified finite fault inversion Dreger and Kaverina (2002). By so doing, it is expected to achieve maximum integration between the processing centers. In this context and for the GMPEs of M<5.5 earthquakes, it is planned the refinement of the regional attenuation relations. For larger earthquakes, it is planned at this stage and within this service task, the implementation of the PGV GMPEs of Akkar and Bommer (2007). The activities of this task are strongly tied to those of Task 1, Task 3 and Task 6.

First Annual Meeting: 19-21 October 2009